
Friday 8 July 2016

My class food pyramid

my classes food pyramid:

This morning miss Briggs my teacher drew a crazy big triangle with chalk on the mat in the classroom.When the bell rang we did the roll and went to jump jam.After jump jam miss Briggs told my class to get there lunchboxes.We all wondered what we were going to do.Miss Briggs told us to put our things in the right place.Sean went first then my friend Chloe and than I went.I had all fruit and one packet of chips. the treat area was full all the way to the top and the middles and first part were not at all.We had to do this to see who is eating healthy in room 8 and who is not.Our topic is healthy living.I think this was good because I learnt the food pyramid and where everything goes.I also learnt what people had in there lunchboxes.

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